Have you ever had a difficult time understanding and relating to certain people? Have you found some relationships to be too difficult to tolerate? Are some people simply impossible to work with, be friends with, or just plain mean? Wouldn’t it be nice if you could get along with others better? If no one bothered you? We have a workshop for you!
Internationally renowned keynote and TEDx Speaker and author Joy Baldridge, CPC, CSP, will be conducting a highly engaging, entertaining and energizing workshop on discovering the 4 Land Languages. The 4 Land Languages is a notion that Joy researched and developed that determines there are 4 hot buttons in interpersonal relationships and communication that when revealed will help you to relate to and positively interact with just about anyone. Once you understand the 4 Land Languages you will feel empowered to enjoy meeting, living and working with others so much more!
This life-changing, perspective-shifting, human communication discovery workshop is NOT to be missed! We will be creating waves that you’ll definitely want in your life. Join Yale’s affinity groups for a Joy Ride! For more information visit www.joybaldridge.com
RSVP: https://bmsweb-h.yale.edu/ords/tms/tms_enrollments.offerings?p_crs_id=7254&p_std_id=
Because of the popularity of Discovering The 4 Land Languages, if you are not able to join in person, you may now join via Zoom, a videoconferencing platform. Here are the details:
Join from PC, Mac, Linux, iOS or Android: https://yale.zoom.us/j/854240708
Or Telephone (audio only): 203-432-9666 (2-ZOOM if on-campus) or 646 568 7788
Meeting ID: 854 240 708
Please note our Zoom meeting can accommodate up to 100 call-ins, so be sure to dial in promptly for 1 pm.