Join Peter Cole and Ayesha Ramachandran for a shared reading of poems and music from across the Middle East, Mediterranean and beyond in multiple languages. This event is a celebration of lyric poetic traditions that speak to each other across time. Come and read, recite, sing—or just listen and enjoy. This event will recreate the tradition of the festive poetic gathering, familiar from a range of different cultural contexts, as a final celebration of Yale Library’s 2022-23 Model Research Collection, “Lyric Thinking: Poetry in the World.”
Peter Cole is the Horace W. Goldsmith Senior Lecturer in Judaic Studies and senior lecturer in Comparative Literature. He is the author of five books of poems, most recently Hymns & Qualms: New and Selected Poems and Translations (FSG), and the translator of many volumes from Hebrew and Arabic.
Ayesha Ramachandran is chair of Yale’s Program in Early Modern Studies, associate professor of Comparative Literature, and the curator of “Lyric Thinking.”
The Model Research Collection is a faculty-curated collection in Bass Library selected and displayed annually to show students how a researcher’s process of investigating a particular topic may be expressed through a collection of books and other materials drawn from across Yale Library. “Lyric Thinking” explores how thinking through and with lyric poems takes place across diverse languages, communities, and spaces throughout the historical record.