The New Haven Free Public Library, in partnership with the Yale Affinity Groups, is excited to bring you this book club for families focusing on topics of social importance! Come for the reading, and stay for the
discussion! Questions? Call (203) 946-8129. This event will take place at the New Haven Free Public Library, 133 Elm St., on the first or second Saturdays at 11 am.
January 8-open read-no theme
February 5-Black History
March 5– Women’s History
April 2-Faith
May 7-Asian/Pacific Islander Heritage
June 4-PRIDE
July 9-People with Disabilities
August 6-New Haven and CT Cultures
September 10-Hispanic Heritage
October 1-Mental Health
November 5-Native American Heritage
December 3-Winter Celebrations
Event time:
Saturday, April 2, 2022 - 11:00am
(see "Description" for details) ()