Black Lives Matter

Image of protester holding a George Floyd #justiceforfloyd sign
June 9, 2020

Words alone cannot express the rage and sorrow of the unnecessary brutal killing of George Floyd, now in a long list of Black individuals whose lives have been unjustly taken by systemic racism and state-sanctioned violence. As citizens and a group dedicated to inclusivity, diversity, and empowerment, the Asian Network at Yale (ANY) stands in solidarity with the Black community at this time of grief and outrage. The public outcry and protests we see in our own community and across the nation warrant urgent compassion and dedication to awaken from the status quo and complacency, and be the change. ANY is committed today, tomorrow, and the long road ahead to dismantle anti-Blackness, together as allies. We cannot afford to be idle in a society that devalues Black and Brown lives and tolerates inequality, racial violence, and police brutality.


We invite the Asian Network at Yale and other members of the Yale community to take action through discussion, advocacy, and pledging to make lasting change. Email to join our discussions.

Short-term actionable steps:
  1. Raise marginalized community voices for changes through national and local elections. Support civic participation, advocate for policy change. We believe that all Americans must be able to exercise their rights to vote and engage in the democratic process. We support the rights of individuals and groups to make their voices heard.

  2. Hold joint talks with Yale affinity groups (YAAA, YLNG, etc) to listen to their voices/perspectives and provide a platform to be heard.

  3. Hold talks with ANY members that educate the Asian community and take the courage to confront the culture that enables biases, racism, and unjust policies/laws/workplace practices to thrive (this includes how to be an ally, how to confront the anti-Black bias that exists within our own communities, history of Asian and Black interaction, etc.)

  4. Asian folx who are unable to protest right now, might be feeling powerless. One thing ANY members can do is talk to your Asian/Asian-American parents, family, and friends about anti-black racism. Here are a few resources translated into various languages that will hopefully enable you to do so. Resource: Letters for Black Lives

Long-term actionable steps:
  1. Addressing the underlying inequities and silence that led to this point including but not limited to systemic racism, systemic inequality, and police brutality.

  2. As Asian and Asian-Americans, we are indebted to examine our own beliefs, biases, and anti-blackness. 

  3. For the long haul, commit to creating a lasting space for dialogue, partnering with the Yale Affinity Groups, Yale Office of Diversity & Inclusion, student organizations, academic departments, and more. 

  4. Sponsoring initiatives that make lasting changes to achieve social and racial justice on our campus, in our community, government, and criminal justice system. 

  5. Actively LISTEN to Black voices and honor perspectives of people of color that have been dismissed for far too long.