The first ever, virtual Integrated Refugee and Immigrant Services (IRIS) Run for Refugees was a success. On Saturday, Jan. 30 to Sunday, Feb. 14, the Asian Network at Yale (ANY) participated in 2021 IRIS virtual 5k run for immigrants and refugees. More than 1,200 participants from 35 states and six countries, including Australia, Andorra, Canada, Germany, and New Zealand joined together for this great event.
Participants had the options to either run/walk on their own pace. Aside from the virtual run/walk, ANY’s Community Service sub-committee created a safe and socially distant hike with a small group of participants at East Rock Park on Saturday, Feb. 13.
Asian Network at Yale (ANY) Career Development sub-committee hosted Zoom Interview 101, a careerdevelopment panel on Wednesday, February 3. Angelene Huang, MBA ’08 from the Chinese Coffee Club and Mona Liang from TechwithU shared their experiences and gave an advice on interview strategies, skills and Zoom interview techniques with around 110 attendees, including Yale students, postdocs and staff.
On Tuesday, February 23, the 2021 Black History Month Keynote event titled “Black Futures, Feminist Solidarities”featured Dr. Margo Okazawa-Rey, Professor Emerita at San Francisco State University, who is also an activist and educator. The hour-long virtual event was co-hosted by the Afro-American Cultural Center and the Asian American Cultural Center, and co-sponsored by Asian Network at Yale brought over 200 attendees from all across the University and featured a moderated conversation with students leaders, Loren Bass-Sanford ‘23, Hajar Samih ‘23, Minh Vu ‘20, Lillian Hua ‘21, Avik Sakar ’23 and Mariko Rooks ‘21. The discussion was followed by audience Q&A.
The event recording can be viewed here.