Virtual: Take Action and Fight for Justice! Virtual Run/Walk for Breonna Taylor

Take action and fight for justice! Virtual Run/Walk for Breonna Taylor

Join the Yale Postdoctoral Association Working Group for Black Lives for a virtual 5k run/1.5k walk in honor of Breonna Taylor on Sunday, November 1st, 2020! In lieu of a registration fee, we ask that participants donate to local groups fighting for racial justice and/or Breonna Taylor’s family (donation details in registration link). The virtual run kickoff party is at 10:00am, followed by your self-timed run or walk, and conclude with an after-party & discussion of action steps at 12:00pm.
The first 250 participants will receive a swag bag with racial justice information (pre-written letters/postcards to be mailed to local and national leaders). There is an option to purchase a limited edition t-shirt for $10.

Event time: 
Sunday, November 1, 2020 - 10:00am to 12:00pm
(see "Description" for details) () See map

See Registration link: