This week and next, 23 Chinese university leaders are on campus to participate in the Advanced University Leadership Program.
The program, established in 2004 in close partnership with China’s Ministry of Education, provides an opportunity for Chinese university leaders to gain an in-depth look at the administrative practices and education philosophies of Yale and of American universities in general. Program activities include a combination of discussions, site visits, and case studies to illustrate the goals and operations of important administrative functions at leading U.S. research universities like Yale and the University of Connecticut, giving participants an opportunity to consider alternative models and approaches that may be applied to and benefit world-class Chinese universities.
President Peter Salovey presents a session entitled “The Organization and Governance of Yale University,” to participants of the China-Yale Advanced University Leadership Program. (Photo credit: Mara Lavitt)
Over the years, Yale faculty and administrators and Chinese university leaders participating in the program have addressed and engaged with one another on a number of important topics at the heart of the American research university, such as liberal arts education, peer review, strategic academic planning, and competitive faculty appointment processes, as well as administrative practices ranging from fund-raising techniques and innovations in financial management to strategic planning. Program participants from the Chinese universities also lead group discussions on topics such as opportunities and challenges for Chinese higher education, the reform of medical education, and faculty.
By Adam Gaber