
March 1, 2016
The Norfolk Chamber Music Festival — Yale’s most prominent summertime musical offering — will see its first change of leadership in over a decade at the end of this season....
February 26, 2016
by Jennifer Kaylin   Yale School of Public Health Professor Albert Ko has been named to an international panel that will address the emerging threat posed by the Zika virus...
February 23, 2016
Nearly 300 professionals from across Yale University gathered in Zhang Auditorium Feb. 18 for Yale CareerConnect 2016. The afternoon program offered staff an opportunity for...
February 23, 2016
Administrators addressed the issue of diversity and inclusion for the University’s employees, particularly staff members, at a Monday town hall meeting hosted by the Yale...
February 12, 2016
The Tandem Language Café is a free, student-run program that will pilot at Yale in Spring 2016. It is open to all members of the Yale community (students, faculty and staff)...
February 8, 2016
Norman Y. Mineta, former secretary of transportation and secretary of commerce, will visit Yale on Wednesday, Feb. 17 under the auspices of the Chubb Fellowship. Mineta will...
January 28, 2016
A celebration of Chinese New Year, the Year of the Monkey, will take place in New Haven on Saturday, Feb. 6, as the New Haven Museum teams up with the Council on East Asian...