General Public

Lunch & Learn - Hypersexualization of Asian American Pacific Islander Women

Join the Asian Network at Yale, Working Women’s Network, Office of Diversity & Inclusion, and Yale-China for a lunch and learn panel discussion on the hypersexualization of Asian American women in America, racial injustice, inequities, and how to show up as an ally for the AAPI community. Our panelists are Professor Mary Lui, Yale Professor of American Studies and Head of Timothy Dwight College, and Sung Yeon Choimorrow, Executive Director of the National Asian Pacific American Women’s Forum (NAPAWF).

In-Person Food Drive to Benefit Integrated Refugee & Immigrant Services (IRIS)

The Asian Network at Yale is conducting a socially distant food drive on Tuesday, May 11th from 9:30-11:30 am, to help the Integrated Refugee & Immigrant Services (IRIS). Acceptable donations include nonperishable food and/or money in support of refugees and immigrants in Connecticut during this difficult time. Checks can be made payable to IRIS.
Please practice social distancing and wear masks at all times. We will have hand sanitizer available.

Mother's Day Outreach

Yale’s Affinity Groups, New Haven Fire Department, New Haven Police Department, and Yale New Haven Health are partnering to collect toiletries and cosmetics for mothers at New Reach, the Kinship Program, and Christian Community Action Agency. Items are being collected from Monday, March 15 through Monday, May 3, 2021.

Due to Covid-19 restrictions we are unable to accept in person donations. Please order items from our wish list on the link below, and have them delivered directly to: New Haven Fire Department, Attention: Lt. Meade, 105 Fountain St., New Haven, CT 06515.

Join Us in Solidarity

To the YSM Community:
The murders last week in Atlanta of members of the Asian community are deeply disturbing to all of us. Sadly, these crimes are only the most recent chapter in the historic racism faced by Asian communities that has intensified during the current pandemic.

ANY Holding Space

This is a safe space for community members to be with one another, be heard, share, and process together. We will have an open conversation regarding the recent killings and violence towards Asian American Pacific Islander (AAPI) people across our country and the effects on our well-being. This gathering will provide emotional support to the ANY community and our allies during these tense and difficult times

2021 Greater New Haven Heart Walk Digital Experience

We’re all aware or how our lives are different now due to COVID-19 and this year’s Greater New Haven Heart Walk celebration will be too. While the traditional event will not be held in person this year, we are just as excited because we want this to be the biggest Heart Walk you’ve seen yet. Together, we will reach more people, stay active, and raise critical funds to save lives, and we will do so in fun, new ways.

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